Teen Wolf ends with a mediocre season, maxes out on nostalgia

Teen Wolf
Season 6B
Grade: C+

Teen Wolf is garbage, but it’s my garbage. I love spending time with these characters, despite the fact that the show’s dialogue is patently ridiculous, the acting is often laughable, and the story gets thinner and thinner each year. Teen Wolf probably should have ended with last season’s finale. Scott and the gang went off to college and all was well with Beacon Hills. In season 6B, it makes no sense for our heroes to jeopardize their futures in order to fight another Big Bad. And once again, the most interesting character is missing: Stiles misses most of the action because no one wanted to bother him? Give me a break. MTV ordered ten more episodes, and they had to be made without Dylan O’Brien, but the seams are showing.

The plot of this season was, in a word, a mess. From my notes on the premiere: “I seriously have no idea what supernatural bullshit is happening but whatever.” From “Sundowning”: “I just don’t care about anything”—a bad sign for three episodes in. Eventually, the supernatural bullshit forms itself into a formidable and creepy-looking villain. His defeat is clever, but it’s a bit too fast. Plus, I’m bitter that they added a character who turns you to stone with a look and didn’t mention Medusa (one of my favorite mythological figures) or Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Lydia would know. Ultimately, I was just glad all this foolishness was over.

The fact that the villains this season were just humans acting out of fear and anger could have been worth something, if not for the poor execution. Buffy the Vampire Slayer tried this in season six, a messy season in general, but it was better than this. Teen Wolf could have said something about gun control, or the nature of humanity, but all it said was “we couldn’t pay better actors.” And let’s be real, it makes no sense that the town would turn on our heroes now. How could you live in Beacon Hills and not know it was full. of. werewolves???